Prayer Experiences
Daily Prayer
Communal and private prayer is essential in forming an intimate relationship with Christ and thereby being transformed by his loving presence. Therefore, great emphasis is placed on prayer throughout the entire school day. Every school day begins with a student leading prayer over the intercom. Every class starts with prayer led by both teachers and students. In religion classes, students frequently lead prayer services, which include music, scripture readings, and personal reflections.
Monthly Liturgies
All students and faculty celebrate school Masses regularly. Special emphasis is placed on having all students participate in order to make our liturgies transformative experiences for students. Students serve as liturgical ministers as lectors, greeters, altar servers, and extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion. In addition, the student choir sings at all liturgies, often with the accompaniment of student musicians. We hope that our liturgies will inspire students to become actively involved at their parishes, and we strongly encourage students to become leaders of their parishes’ youth organizations. In these various ways, students are challenged to assume their responsibility as lay leaders and to consider vocations and the many ministries offered by the Church.
Upcoming Liturgies
Twice a year the Campus Ministry Department holds reconciliation services to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation for all students. We hope that the powerful experience of God’s forgiveness through the sacrament in a school setting will inspire students to celebrate the sacrament regularly in their parishes.
Because of the essential role of prayer in the formation of a personal relationship with God, students participate in varied and regular experiences of prayer. Each October seniors participate in an overnight retreat in order to set the tone for their final year at Catholic High School. Students in grades 8, 9, 10 and 11 participate in days of recollection, with special attention given to the needs of each age group. The student ministry team serves as peer ministers in the days of recollection for eighth and ninth graders.
Mission Trips
Each year, the campus ministry team plans, organizes and leads both domestic and international mission trips for CHS students. Students receive information about the trips in the fall and must complete an application in order to be considered for participation. Once participants are selected, the students, parents and chaperones meet to set appropriate expectations and goals.