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Tuition Assistance

IN KEEPING WITH THE EDUCATIONAL TRADITION of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart, no student is refused admission or asked to leave Catholic High School solely because of his family’s inability to pay tuition.

Tuition assistance is available for students whose families are unable to pay the full cost of tuition. Applications for tuition assistance for the 2025-2026 School Year are due by Friday, April 18, 2025. Applications are to be completed and submitted online through the FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment website. Any parent who does not have access to a computer or who needs help completing the online application can get assistance by contacting Mr. Stuart Sonnier at (225) 381-9114, or by email at

You can create a FACTS account and then access the FACTS online application for tuition assistance for Catholic High School tuition at the following link:

Upon receiving a completed application for tuition assistance, the Catholic High School Tuition Assistance Committee, headed by the president, will review the application and determine what amount and type of assistance will be offered.

Financial Obligations

Parents are asked and expected to honor their financial obligation to Catholic High School through the timely payment of tuition and fees. However, when Catholic High School families experience severe financial situations, parents should contact the Catholic High School president as soon as possible to discuss possible adjustments in scheduled tuition payments. Again, no student will be asked to leave Catholic High School solely on the basis of his parent’s inability to pay full tuition. If no alternative arrangement for payment is made and authorized by the Catholic High School president, when a student’s tuition account becomes two months in arrears, the student may be subject to suspension from classes. No student may take semester examinations until all financial obligations to the school have been satisfactorily addressed as defined by the Catholic High School president.

Emergency Grants

The president may use his discretion in awarding additional grants in cases where extreme financial problems of a family jeopardize a student’s continued attendance at Catholic High School. In these cases, the parents will be asked to complete the FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment even if it is past the normal deadline for applying.